Sunday, January 26, 2020
The differences of Ethnic cleansing and Genocide
The differences of Ethnic cleansing and Genocide research methodology: The research conducted herein is primarily doctrinal in nature, with the help of various international instruments and judgments decided by the judicial authorities in the international sphere. research questions: Basic Questions: Through the medium of this project the basic questions that have been asked are: What is meant by ethnic cleansing and genocide? Secondly whether there exists any difference between the two? What are these differences? HYPOTHESIS: There exist distinguishing factors between both the crimes of genocide and ethnic cleansing, the only distorting factor is when the latter is achieved by committing genocide. Both, ought to be treated as equally grave crimes committed against humanity. Moreover, a need is felt for stricter laws on ethnic cleansing in order to serve as deterrence to the same. objects and aims: The project has been made on the basic premise of the crime of Ethnic Cleansing with the background of the break up of the Former Yugoslavia, replete with crimes of a grave nature. In order to understand this concept of Ethnonationalism, it is also important to understand another international crime, genocide. Ergo, this project aims at achieving the following in lieu of the research available: To attain clarity as to the concepts of Ethnic Cleansing and Genocide. To surmise the incidents of the two types of international crimes and look at various judicial interpretations and legal instruments for the same. To try and arrive at a clear cut distinction between these two concepts which can be perceived to be intertwined. This project aims at serving as a panacea to innumerable ambiguities found on the laws of ethnic cleansing and to acquaint various interested parties on the aforementioned topic which is, as of now, a morass of laws involved. INTRODUCTION: As long as I have any choice, I will stay only in a country where political liberty, toleration, and equality of all citizens before the law are the rule. -Albert Einstein. For centuries, man has been fighting with his brother, over man-made issues of differences in their status, nationality, race, colour, religion to name a few. In India itself, this differentiation has taken shape in the form of differences in class, differences between Muslims and Hindus, Sikhs and Christians, recent incidents taking place in Orissa and Kerala are gory examples of the same. In fact, this in essence has also taken place in Maharashtra in 2008 wherein almost 20,000 North Indians fled Pune and other such cities, the same revealed by an article in the Indian Express. Statistics in fact have shown that man is being a threat himself to another man causing his mass exodus. Despite the advancement in technology man doesnt seem to want to co-exist with another, a deficiency which will lead to its self-destruction sooner or later. This is essentially the concept of ethnic cleansing, an international crime progressively taking more antagonistic forms as time passes. In principle, an ethnic groupà [1]à would be defined as a community whose heritage offers important characteristics in common between its members and which makes them distinct from other communities. There is a boundary, which separates us from them, and the distinction would probably be recognized on both sides of that boundary. Ethnicity is a multi-faceted phenomenon based on physical appearance, subjective identification, cultural and religious affiliation, stereotyping, and social exclusion.à [2]à The phrase ethnic cleansing was originally introduced by reporters covering the Yugoslav wars of disintegration between 1991 and 1995, but as a course of action it is much older than that.à [3]à By definition, it has been defined as a phenomenon wherein one ethnic group expels members of other ethnic groups from a geographic area in order to create ethnically pure enclaves for members of their ethnic group.à [4]à However, the complexities involved when it comes to ethnic cleansing, is that till date despite the number of occurrences there exists a blur when it comes to differences between genocide and ethnic cleansing.à [5]à Also, the number of incidents wherein ethnic cleansing has taken place makes one question the effectiveness and the authority of the UN and the several other peace keeping bodies.à [6]à It is also pertinent to note that while in theory, the purpose of ethnic cleansing is to drive all members of the victimized group out of a territory. In practice, ethnic cleansing is nearly synonymous with genocide because mass murder is a common characteristic of both. Though, therefore, there is a thin line between the two crimes, it is the need of the hour to differentiate between the two crimes and do away with the pervasive ambiguities. analysis: genocide and its incidents: In order, to be able to differentiate between the concepts of genocide and ethnic cleansing it is first important to understand each of these concepts individually. Ergo, this part will basically focus on the definition of genocide as arrived at in several landmark judgments and also its main essentials, with the natural corollary of looking at the definition of ethnic cleansing. The term genocide was coined by Raphael Lemkin using the combination of the Greek word genos (race or tribe) and the Latin word cide (killing).à [7]à Article II of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, 1948 defines the term genocide to include killing, causing serious bodily or mental harm, amongst several other thingsà [8]à , which was accepted as being part and parcel of the customary international law or jus cogens in the case of Prosecutor v. Goran Jelisic.à [9]à The case of Advisory Opinon of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in Reservations to the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, defines genocide as follows: a crime under international law involving a denial of the right of existence of entire human groups, a denial which shocks the conscience of mankind and results in great losses to humanity, which is contrary to moral law and to the spirit and aims of the United Nations.à [10]à Genocide without exceptions made is considered to the most despicable crime when it comes to crimes against humanity, which is why Courts are reluctant in arriving at a conclusion which affirms the existence of genocide. It essentially requires two components for the said crime to take the form of genocide, viz. Actus Reus and Mens Rea. These go hand in hand wherein if any of the acts mentioned above have been committed with the necessary specific intent (dolus specialis).à [11]à In the Jelisicà [12]à case it was held that the special nature of this intent supposes the discriminatory nature of the act wherein a group is targeted discriminatorily as such and in this context genocide is closely related to the crime against humanity.à [13]à The Court again found the existence of this specific intent in the case of Akeysuà [14]à wherein the Trial Chamber I held that the rape of Tutsi women in Rwanda in 1994 constituted the crime of genocide.à [15]à In the case of Bosnia-Herzegovina v. Yugoslavia it was held that genocide could be committed both at time of peace as well as of armed conflict.à [16]à Therefore, a perusal of the aforementioned cases clearly shows there is a need of specific intent in case of indictments for the crime of genocide.à [17]à Ethnic Cleansing and its incidents: The 1990s has had the most number of instances wherein the crime of ethnic cleansing has been recorded. This has been attributed by the UN to various political parties which indulge in the same by ruling various States. This power was clearly wielded by the Shiv Sena party in Maharashtra with their jingoistic tactics in expelling Non-Maharashtrians. Blacks Law Dictionary defines ethnic cleansing as: The officially sanctioned forcible and systematic diminution or elimination of targeted ethnic minorities from a geographic area by confiscating real and personal property, ordering or condoning mass murders and mass rapes and expelling the survivors. Few authors are of the opinion that the crime of ethnic cleansing is a 20th Century phenomenon while most others disagree.à [18]à A prototype of ethnic cleansing can be taken from the experience of the Jews during the Nazi Regime, where in order to create Lebensraum, or living space, Hitler, the dictator started an expansionist drive to create a pure Germany. The term ethnic cleansing, a literal translation of the Serbo-Croatian phrase etnicko ciscenje, has resulted in a lot of atrocities like mass killings as well as rape as a means of creating supremacy over the minorities.à [19]à In many of these campaigns, women were targeted for particularly brutal treatment-including systematic rape and enslavement-in part because they were viewed by perpetrators as the carriers, biologically and culturally, of the next generation of their nations. Because many men in victimized populations left their families and communities to join resistance groups once violence began, women and children were often defenseless.à [20]à Statistics shows that the Bosnia-Herzegovina war envisaged a shocking estimate of 20,000 women who endured sexual assaults in the form of either torture or rape. Serbian political and military leaders systematically planned and strategically executed this policy of ethnic cleansing or genocide with the support of the Serbian and Bosnian Serb armies and paramilitary groups to create a Greater Serbia: a religiously, culturally, and linguistically homogenous Serbian nation.5à [21]à The promulgation of the concept of ethnic cleansing and the practices it represents are a grim, contemporary reminder of the global nature of interethnic and interracial inequality and strife.à [22]à The following passage taken from an article is proof of the mass destruction and depraved justice that took place during the Bosnia-Herzegovina War: More than two million people-almost half the population- are still dispossessed of their homes. Some 600,000 of these are refugees abroad who have not yet found durable solutions, many of whom face the prospect of compulsory return into displacement within Bosnia and Herzegovina in the near future. Another 800,000 have been internally displaced to areas in the control of their own ethnic group, living in multiple occupancy situations, in collective centres or in property vacated by the displacement of others, often in situations of acute humanitarian concern. The fundamental issue for the future of the post-war society of Bosnia and Herzegovina is whether these people can or will return to their homes.à [23]à A case study shows that the challenges of post 1980 former Yugoslavia were exacerbated by the countrys demographic and socio-cultural make-up, comprising several ethnonationalities with different religions, mentalities, histories and levels of development. In the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Croatia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina the authoritarian regimes and their leaders were the main sources of human rights violations. Nationalism and hatred of other peoples and religions were probably the reasons for the brutal break up of the former Yugoslavia. Ethnonationalism was, and has largely remained, widely and deeply entrenched among the constituent groups.à [24]à Various authorities indicate that the notion of ethnic cleansing takes place when there is a deportation of mass population on the basis of their ethnic differences in order to create a homogenous ethnic State. While a crime like genocide inevitably results in imposing criminal liability, it has been stated by several authors that since the term ethnic cleansing does not appear in any of the laws the same is not punishable as long as genocide, rape or other crimes against humanity have not been used, which have been banned by several legal instrument.à [25]à This argument however is to be rendered untenableà [26]à as though, ethnic cleansing per se doesnt feature under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, it can be included under crimes against humanity under Article 7 which speaks of Deportation or forcible transfer of populationà [27]à equivalent to ethnic cleansing. Moreover, a perusal of the Statute of the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia under Article 4à [28]à also makes the crime of ethnic cleansing punishable. The Trial Chamberà [29]à in a particular case was satisfied beyond reasonable doubt that the crimes that were committed in the Bosnian Krajina from April 1992 until the end of December 1992, the period relevant to the Indictment, occurred as a direct result of the over-arching Strategic Plan. The ethnic cleansing was not a by-product of the criminal activity; it was its very aim and thus an integral part of the Strategic Plan.à [30]à Therefore, a perusal of the aforementioned authorities helps one understand essentially the concept of ethnic cleansing and the essentials thereof. differences between the two: Andrew Bell-Fialkoff in his book, has remarked thatà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦ the crime of ethnic cleansing defies easy definition. At one end it is virtually indistinguishable from forced emigration and population exchange while at the other it merges with deportation and genocide. At the most general level, however, ethnic cleansing can be understood as the expulsion of a population from a given territory.à [31]à Different authors have different opinions regarding the differences between these two, while some state such a difference exists only in theory while other claim it to exist practically as well. From a perusal of the above, genocide and ethnic cleansing can be differentiated in three ways: (1) Need of intent: Genocide could be a means to commit ethnic cleansing, but the purpose of such a crime then would not be murder but would be otherwise. Furthermore, in contrast to genocide, there is no need for special intent under the crime of ethnic cleansing, making it easier for parties to establish a crime of ethnic cleansing in comparison to a charge of genocide leveled against a particular party to the dispute.à [32]à It has been found under various texts that the requirement of specific intent is not found under ethnic cleansing, making it easier to prove before the International Courts in comparison to the crime of genocide.à [33]à (2) The purpose: The purpose under genocide is the physical destruction of an ethnical, racial or a religious group, while that of ethnic cleansing is the founding of ethnically homogeneous lands. The means used for the latter could also be genocide.à [34]à (3) Ends achieved: While genocide results in physical destruction of a particular minority groups, ethnic cleansing results in the flight of a community not necessarily mass killing.à [35]à As found in the previously, it may not always be feasible to point out differences between the two. In fact, this clear cut distinction has been reduced by various subsequent measures taken by the authoritative bodies. In 1992 concerning the hostilities in Yugoslavia, the UN General Assemblyà [36]à clearly stated that ethnic cleansing is a form of genocide.à [37]à To worsen the situation, in the case of Prosecutor v. Krstic,à [38]à , the Trial Chamber of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY), expressly diverging from the wider interpretation of the notion of intent to destroy by the United Nations made a difference between ethnic cleansing and genocide. an enterprise attacking only the cultural or sociological characteristics of a human group in order to annihilate these elements which give to that group its own identity distinct from the rest of the community would not fall under the definition of genocide. Similarly, in the case of Bosnia and Herzegovina v. Serbia and Montenegro (Case concerning the application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide) the International Court of Justiceà [39]à have also upheld the above judgment based on the same reasoning.à [40]à Various scholars also have given views similar to that found in the above cases wherein a distinction has been made between the two offences.à [41]à Therefore, there remains doubt in this unchattered territory, but courts generally refrain from holding a state or an official responsible for the offence of genocide in comparison to that of ethnic cleansing. Conclusion: From an analysis of the above judgments, we find that there exists a very thin line between the concepts of genocide and that of ethnic cleansing. There is a need to attain consistency with regard to the various opinions on the same, consistency being an essential or cannon of any law. The basic bone of contention is in fact this lack of uniformity in interpreting the law by the courts. That apart, a need is felt that stricter international norms be laid down in order to ensure that a crime like ethnic cleansing taking the form of international crimes like rape, genocide does not take place at the ferocity that it has been since the 1990s.à [42]à It should be realized by the UN and various other monitoring bodies that it is imperative that a clear cut distinction be made between the two, agreed, a strait-jacket formula cannot be applied, but it should lay down certain parameters for determining when ethnic cleansing takes place. As of now, the definition of the said terms remains uncertain in international law. States should realize that even the magna carta Universal Declaration of Human Rightsà [43]à ordains equality on each and every human being, which would immediately render the offence of ethnic cleansing purposeless.à [44]à It is to be necessarily understood that, As long as the criminals are divided into ours and theirs; as long as ethnic discrimination is not replaced with moral and professional criteria; as long as already initiated democratic processes do not take roots; there will be little chance of reconciliation, economic development and respect for the human rights and freedoms.à [45]à Therefore, an attempt has been made by virtue of this project to understand the basic differences between these two types of crimes which are basically instigated against other human beings and the same conclusion has been arrived at with the help of leadings judgments and opinions of various authors on the same. Ethnic cleansing results in the division of a particular country into several fragments, there more the disputes the more these fragments will break and finally there shall be nothing for one to offer. This has been aptly illustrated in the following paragraph: In Germany they first came for the communists; and I didnt speak up because I wasnt a communist. Then they came for the Jews; and I didnt speak up because I wasnt a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists; and I didnt speak up because I wasnt a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics; and I didnt speak up because I wasnt a Catholic. Then they came for me and by that time there was nobody left to speak up. Martin Niemoller
Friday, January 17, 2020
Explore the Significance of Metafiction in Jeanette Winterson’s Story of the Twelve Dancing Princesses
Throughout Wintersonââ¬â¢s rendition of ââ¬Ëthe twelve dancing princessesââ¬â¢ ââ¬â adapted from the renowned story by the Grimm Brothers ââ¬âthe plotline is explicitly centred around an array of fictional images. Implicitly though, the metafiction and accretion used can be unveiled as symbolism that correlates with a larger meaning; the images associated with men are uncomfortable and even evil in comparison to the comforting images (including the mermaid) that represent womanhood. Therefore, in the two specific examples of the mermaid and the poison, the reader may accept fiction as an underlying detail that leads to a deeper truth or argument.In the exact example of the mermaid the reader learns that the senior princess has fallen in love with her (the mermaid) and that they ââ¬Ëlive in the wellââ¬â¢ together. The scene is evidently fictional; mermaids donââ¬â¢t exist, and if they did, then Jordon and the princess wouldnââ¬â¢t be able to stand in the w ell and converse with the mermaid due to biological impossibilities. Therefore the statement is immediately false, yet the reader may find themselves accepting it as truth in order to move on to the grittiness of the plotline, and discover the significance of the mermaid; her impact can be interpreted in various ways.Firstly, the mermaid could be seen as the product of rebellion against the conventional ritual of marriage to a husband. Rebellion seems a reasonable suggestion after studying the original story, which Wintersonââ¬â¢s tale is arguably a continuation of. The ââ¬Ëdoors that were shut and locked upââ¬â¢ each night exemplify the fatherââ¬â¢s masculine domination over the freedom of his daughters. Likewise, in the tale the Kingââ¬â¢s offspring would rather see the soldiers killed than have their freedom limited; that ââ¬Ëthey laughed heartilyââ¬â¢ at the sleeping soldier exhibits this.That the princess had to plunge in ââ¬Ëdeep watersââ¬â¢ in Winte rsonââ¬â¢s tale exemplifies how she was willing to face the unknown (traditionally in literature the ocean is feared e. g. In the Tempest Ferdinand cries ââ¬Ëhell is empty and all of the devils are hereââ¬â¢ before plummeting into the ocean) in order to search for entertainment aside from her husband. Secondly, the mermaid could represent the princessesââ¬â¢ craving for womanhood ââ¬â this links on from the rebellion against masculine dominance.The ââ¬Ëdeep watersââ¬â¢ as a meeting place, followed by the fact that the couple live in the well ââ¬â envisaging a womb like place due to its round and wet characteristics ââ¬â may bring to some readerââ¬â¢s minds an obvious yearning for womanly presence and dominance within the princess. It is noticeable that the existence of a mother is lacking in both renditions of the myth and so arguably the princess may be trying to reconnect with the womb of the Motherly figure that appears nonexistent in childhood. A cceptance of nonsense can be further seen on page 55 in a passage where content may be viewed as allegorical.There is also arguably a sense of intertextuality as it bares reflection to the synoptic bible passage of the demon possessed man (Mathew 8:28-34), which should consequently ring out clear symbolic meaning to the reader. The melodramatic line ââ¬ËOut of his (the husband) belly came a herd of cattle and a fleet of pigs ââ¬â¢ can be defined by the reader as an impossible scenario. Consequently the reader will seek the implicit meaning which holds a deeper content. In the Bible passage, the rearing of swine off the cliff enabled the demon possessed man to walk freed from his past torments.Therefore, the suggestion could be that the husband is better off dead, released from sin, than living alive as an overeater with evil within him ââ¬â gluttony being a biblical crime. This argument is supported when the door salesman says to the princess ââ¬Ëyou are right to kill h imââ¬â¢. The princessââ¬â¢s hate for her husbandââ¬â¢s obesity reflects the forced status of their marriage; nowhere in the passage does any form of love or appreciation ring clear, only a sense of endurance ââ¬â ââ¬Ëwe had been married a few yearsââ¬â¢ for example suggests that the princess thinks that this is a fair enough trail run before murdering him .He is presented as unlikeable through firstly the unpleasant verbs that the princess attaches to his actions ââ¬â ââ¬Ëgulpedââ¬â¢, ââ¬Ëcrashingââ¬â¢, ââ¬Ëswelledââ¬â¢, ââ¬Ëcomplainedââ¬â¢ ââ¬â and secondly through the portrayal of him as the demon. Arguably, the princess finds control and order after the fictional explosion that kills her husband, as Winterson writes in the first person, ââ¬ËI rounded them (the herd) upââ¬â¢ ââ¬â stressing the herdââ¬â¢s obedience to her ââ¬â contrasting to their disorderly actions to the husband who ââ¬Ëhad always complained a bout his digestionââ¬â¢ while the herds had been inside of him.Following on from this, it is arguable that with the ending of her (the princessââ¬â¢s) marriage came her ability to ââ¬Ëlive accordingââ¬â¢ to her ââ¬Ëtastesââ¬â¢. Her true satisfaction is exemplified in the final sentence ââ¬ËI prefer farming to cooking,ââ¬â¢ which, again allegorically, is arguably stating that she prefers her single life ââ¬â where she farms the cattle- , to her married life ââ¬â where she cooks the cattle. Therefore, again in this passage, the reader may accept that the content is fanciful to the real world, but for the passage it is necessary as the images created have significant impact on the symbolic meaning that Winterson is creating.Is Winterson a feminist? This could certainly be argued given the evidence found in the passages. A strong conclusion to her work is that woman have more of a chance of ââ¬Ëliving happily ever afterââ¬â¢ by ââ¬Ëliving accordi ng to their own tastesââ¬â¢ than through forced marriage ââ¬â the latter being the favourable traditionally in fairytales. This is mainly because Wintersonââ¬â¢s argument represents a changing view of a womanââ¬â¢s place in a more modern society than that of Grimmââ¬â¢s.Although she retains the same time period as the original tale, the conclusion that woman can find freedom through outwitting their husbands is much different from literature that would have been produced in early decades ââ¬â (albeit freedom is temporarily found by the daughters in Grimmââ¬â¢s tale when they outwit their father, and the soldiers night after night). Therefore a reader may acknowledge the falsehood in Wintersonââ¬â¢s passages, and yet acknowledge it as true in search for the deeper truth underneath.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Should PT.Kabitama Chem Tex invest on foundry pig iron or HMS (High Mild Steel Scrap) in order to expand its metal business - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 8 Words: 2510 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Marketing Essay Type Research paper Level High school Did you like this example? The sole proprietor of PT.Kabitama Chem Tex, which is a foreign Investment Company, had expressed interest in expanding his metal business. And so the aim of this paper was to carry out a feasibility study examining two investment alternatives forKabitama. Therefore, the research question is, à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã
âShould PT.Kabitama Chem Tex invest on foundry pig iron or HMS (High Mild Steel Scrap) in order to expand its metal business?à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã Through primary source (Interviews) and secondary sources (document, websites, textbooks) the SWOT was drawn out followed by decision tree and investment appraisal of the two metal products. Donââ¬â¢t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Should PT.Kabitama Chem Tex invest on foundry pig iron or HMS (High Mild Steel Scrap) in order to expand its metal business?" essay for you Create order The SWOT analyses of the company helped in gaining a clear understanding of Kabitamaà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s objectives of the project, this was done by identifying the internal and external factors. Major part of this paper went into analysing the quantitative decision-making techniques, as the conclusion is based on these results. The conclusion and recommendation gives an assessment of the two possible investment options for Kabitama and concludes that, on the bases of quantitative factors, HMS is a better product to invest on than Pig Iron. It also suggests that the company should also consider the qualitative factors, in order to reduce the risk factor. Word Count 197 Introduction PT.Kabitama Chem Tex is a foreign Investment Company with Mr Manish Parekh as the sole proprietor. Kabitama chemtex is a trading company that à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã
âdeals in various types of chemicals, textiles and metals, with many countries like Indonesia, India, USA, South Africa, Dubai, Australi a, China, and many more, depending on the products, either to sell or buy as per the availability or demand of that product in the respective country. At present chemicals like dyes, dyes intermediates, plasticizers, agro products, glycols, are running smoothly. Where as in textiles, the market is mainly captured by China; therefore there is no big scope to grow. Coming to metals, ità ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s a very promising area.à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã [1] [2] Right now Kabitama is catering 1-2 metal products, but if market starts growing then requirement of many other items will emerge. This needs to be carefully observed, put into marketing research department. This report will carry out a feasibility study investigating two investment alternatives forKabitama. The first investment opportunity is on foundry pig iron. à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã
âFoundry Pig Iron is used mostly for making grey iron steel product, ductile iron steel product used for motor spare parts and many industrial spare parts. These are used in replacement of scrap HMS as it has better properties like fast melting; firm specs and gives uniform results.à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã [3] The second investment opportunity is on HMS (High Mild Steel Scrap). à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã
âScraps are used to produce steel products as well as in foundry too. Both the products go hand in hand and so the price plays a big role.à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã [4] Therefore the research question is- Should PT.Kabitama Chem Tex invest on foundry pig iron or HMS (High Mild Steel Scrap) in order to expand its metal business? Methodology A range of sources was applied to investigate Kabitamaà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s two alternative choices. Primary research involves interviews with the owner of Kabitama, Mr Parekh and the accountant, Mr Himawan. This was undertaken in order to identify Kabitamaà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s future strategic and financial plan. The interviews also contributed to their knowledge and understanding of the companyà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s SWOT, as well as the venture risks, and operating procedures Secondary research was carried out in order to collect information and data related to the company as well as to learn more about investment appraisal and decision tree. The information was collected from various sources such as financial documents, textbook and websites. The focus of this assignment is to compare the primary and secondary information to explore and companies two alternative product choices, and analyse them through investment appraisal, decision tree and SWOT, in order to compose a suitable solution. Research and findings Product details[5] Indonesia is full of rich minerals but its raw materials are still only exported. Not much raw material are converted to semi finish product which can fetch more money if there will be a support for foreign investor to invest in Smelting plant by which the raw material can be converted to semi finish product and ultimately it will bring more profit to the compan y as well as the country. Indonesia wants to start building automotive and its spare parts manufacturing. Till now all cars are assembled where by the à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã
âpopulation of Indonesia is 250 millionà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã [6] and still not self reliant even though all the ores and man power are available in the country. Therefore, the requirement of metal is quiet huge in Indonesia as some of the products they need to Import. In the last 2 years there is a shift of business in metals from Korea, Thailand, Taiwan and China towards Indonesia. A substantial growth has been detected which can grow into multi product requirement and to capture any big market share. Kabitama has to have a good base to represent and offer its related products before competitors enters, which Kabitama already has. Now they need to do more competitive sourcing, tracking new buyers and upgrade technical aspects of products. Decision Tree[7] Calculations[8] Pig Iron HMS Expected values ($5660949ÃÆ'ââ¬â0.7)-($566094.9ÃÆ'ââ¬â0.3)= $3792835.83 ($5649756ÃÆ'ââ¬â0.9)-($1412439ÃÆ'ââ¬â0.1)= $4943536.5 Net Expected values $3792835.83-$2500000= $1292835.83 $4943536.5-$2200000= $2743536.5 Investment Appraisal[9] Investment appraisal is a quantitative technique used to calculate the financial cost and benefits of an investment decision. The payback period Works out how long it takes to repay the initial investment Net present value This takes into account the time value of money. It is based on the principle that money is worth more than it is in the future. Investment Project A: Foundry pig iron[10] Investment $2500000 Interest 6% Month Cash flow ($) Cumulative cash flow ($) Discount factor[11] Present value April 424957.5 424957.5 0.943 400734.9225 May 463590 888547.5 0.943 437165.37 June 500505.5 1389053 0.943 471976.6865 July 442127.5 1831181 0.943 416926.2325 August 173417 2004598 0.943 163532.231 September 370872 2375470 0.943 349732.296 October 566610 2942080 0.943 534313.23 November 585497 3527577 0.943 552123.671 December 613827.5 4141404 0.943 578839.3325 January 533557.75 4674962 0.943 503144.9583 February 505227.25 5180189 0.943 476429.2968 March 480760 5660949 0.943 453356.68 Total 5660949 5338274.907 Payback Period= 6 months = 6 months and 6.8 days 2838274.907 Investment Project B: HMS (High Mild Steel Scrap) [12] Investment $2200000 Interest 6% Month Cash flow ($) Cumulative cash flow ($) Discount factor[13] Present value April 461151.6 461151.6 0.943 434865.9588 May 499653 960804.6 0.943 471172.779 June 506142 1466946.6 0.943 477291.906 July 508737.6 1975684.2 0.943 479739.5568 August 245284.2 2220968.4 0.943 231303.0006 September 514794 2735762.4 0.943 485450.742 October 584010 3319772.4 0.943 550721.43 November 517389.6 3837162 0.943 487898.3928 December 472399.2 4309561.2 0.943 445472.4456 January 483646.8 4793208 0.943 456078.9324 February 428274 5221482 0.943 403862.382 March 428274 5649756 0.943 403862.382 Total 5649756 Ãâà - 5327719.908 Payback Period= 4 months = 4 months and 28.4 days 3127719.908 Analysis and discussion SWOT analysis[14] Kabitama has a very good market reputation for keeping commitments in terms of delivery. This will work as an advantage, as the business will easily get suppliers and buyers, and therefore have high customer retention. The owner has high knowledge of the products, which helps the business to respond to the market quickly. As Kabitama is owned by a sole trader, there is no hierarchy, which insinuates quick decision making. At the same time, the size of the company suggests limited human resources and unlimited liability. Another weakness of the business is that, project planning is nonexistent. This can create big problems while making a decision. The automobile industry is growing in Indonesia; therefore there is a huge requirement of metal products. By taking this opportunity of increase in market demand, Kabitama can grow their metal business and earn higher re venues. As a trading company there should be a continuous monitor of price trend as well as market demand. Buying and selling has to be in a swift mode. Goods should not be lying in warehouse. If there is high supply of the product, than there should be a high demand for the product or visa-versa. If this doesnà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢t happen then there this ultimately causes cost, black finance and if there is a poor demand then may cause lost too. So the demand and supply of the products are very important in order to make the project a success. It is also important for the company to analyse the fluctuation of the exchange rates, government laws, payment terms, ect. This is because market price of the raw material depends on these factors. If any of these changes, then it might act as an opportunity or a threat for the business. Decision tree analysis A decision tree is a quantitative decision making tool. A decision tree will help the company to choose between the two proj ects as it projects a balanced picture of the risks and rewards associated with each project, by calculating the expected values. This value refers to the average outcome if the decision was made several times, in exactly same situation. [15] The net expected value for project B ($2743536.5) is more than double than the value for project A ($1292835.83). This clearly states that project B is the best option out of the two projects, and therefore the company should reject project A. But before doing so, it is important for the company to should consider additional financial and non-financial information. Even though a decision tree allows the company to analyze fully the possible consequences of a decision, it can also be incorrect. As a decision tree depends on the accuracy of the estimate data. If the data is biased towards a particular outcome or is wrongly estimated, than automatically the results will be incorrect. To avoid this problem I have also calculate the investment ap praisal of the two projects. Investment appraisal Analysis Project A- Pig Iron Project B- HMS Profit $3160949 $3449756 Payback Period 6 months + 6.8 days 4 months + 28.4 days NPV 2838274.907 3127719.908 The table above gives an overview of the investment appraisal I have calculated. The payback period for project B is shorter than project A. This suggests that project B will take less time to earn enough profits to repay the cost of the initial investments. Therefore project B is more liquid, and less risky as it allows the company to recoup the investment sooner, so they can reinvest the money elsewhere. Moreover, with a shorter payback period, theres less of a chance that the economy, exchange rates, market conditions, or other factors affecting this project will drastically change. This method is the simplest way of comparing investment projects in order to identify which project yields a quick return for the business. However, this method ignores the total revenue on the investment projects and the time value of money.[16] To overcome this problem I have calculated the net present value of these two projects, as it considers the time value of money. The net present va lue method will help the company find the present value in todays dollars of the opportunity cost of money and future netcash flow of the projects. NPV analysis is used to evaluate the projects cash flows, rather than the revenue from the project. This is because à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã
âNPV does not consider depreciation as it is not an out-of-pocket expenseà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã [17] . In this case the opportunity cost is the interest rate which is 6%. Both the projects are giving positive outcomes; this suggests that both the projects are profitable for the company. As Project B has a greater difference between NPV and cost than project A, it is advisable to choose project B. Conclusion and Evaluation In answering the question à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã
âShould PT.Kabitama Chem Tex invest on foundry pig iron or HMS (High Mild Steel Scrap) in order to expand its metal business?à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã This paper clearly delineates the extent of its effectiveness by analysing the SWOT, investment appraisal and decision tree of these two metal products. This paper should help Kabitama in deciding the best investment project for expanding their metal business. Overall, on the bases of the investment appraisal and decision tree, it is advisable for Kabitama to choose project B (HMS) as it has higher profit, lower payback period, higher net present value and a very high net expected value then project A (Pig Iron). But these are only the quantitative decision making techniques, in order to decide the best option it is important to also consider the qualitative side (non-financial factors). Which are[18]:- The aims of the organisation- if Kabitamaà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s aim is to earn maximum profit then it will focus on the results of investment appraisal, Reliability of the data Risk- this project can be a risk if the data is wrong as the calculations will be wrong which may lead to a wrong decision. Kabitama may prefer to choose a lower but more certain return. The Economy- Interest rates will have a major impact. If interest rates are increasing, any investment will be required to provide a greater profit. Future economic changes, such as a recession or boom, must be considered in the predictions of future costs and revenues. Image- Kabitama should consider how this project might affect its image and public relations Ethics- as Kabitama has a genuine commitment to trading ethically; the company should also consider this factor. So to decide which project is the best, the company should research more on the qualitative factors of investment appraisal technique and other non-financial factors. The company should also include more metal products in their research department, this will help the company in choosing the best metal product to invest and expand their mental business. It may also be useful to adopt other methods of investment appraisal such as the Accounting Rate of Return, which is less sensitive to fluctuations in future cash inflow. This way, with more information, Kabitama will be able to see the advantages and disadvantages of each project more clearly. This will result in reducing the risk factor and there will be a higher possibility for the investment to be a success. [1] Appendix 1- Parekh, Manish. Personal interview. 22 Feb. 2013. [2]Textiles Industry in Hong Kong | HKTDC.Textiles Industry in Hong Kong | HKTDC. 14 Apr. 2013 Industry- Profiles/Textiles-Industry-in-Hong-Kong/hkip/en/1/1X000000/1X0040EM.htm. [3] Appendix 3 Wira, Himawan. Personal interview. 5 Apr. 2013. [4] Appendix 1- Parekh, Manish. Personal interview. 22 Feb. 2013. [5] Appendix 1- Parekh, Manish. Personal interview. 22 Feb. 2013. [6] Indonesia Population 2013.- World Population Review. Web. 08 Mar. 2013. [7] Appendix 3- Wira, Himawan. PT.Kabitama Chem Tex Financial data on metal products. 5 Apr. 2013. Raw data. Indonesia, Jakarta. [8] Clark, Paul.Business and Management: Course Companion. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2012. Print. [9] Clark, Paul, Peter Golden, and Mark ODea.IB Business and Management. Oxford: Oxford UP , 2009. Print. [10] Appendix 3 4 Wira, Himawan. Personal interview. 5 Apr. 2013. Wira, Himawan. PT.Kabitama Chem Tex Financial data on metal products. 5 Apr. 2013. Raw data. Indonesia, Jakarta. [11] Appendix 5- Brealey, Richard A., Stewart C. Myers, and Franklin Allen. . Principles of Corporate Finance. 8th ed. McGraw-Hill Irwin companies page 1.PRESENT VALUE TABLES. 10 Apr. 2013 Files/Appendix A Present Value Tables.pdf. [12] Appendix 3 4 Wira, Himawan. Personal interview. 5 Apr. 2013. Wira, Himawan. PT.Kabitama Chem Tex Financial data on metal products. 5 Apr. 2013. Raw data. Indonesia, Jakarta. [13] Appendix 5- Brealey, Richard A., Stewart C. Myers, and Franklin Allen. . Principles of Corporate Finance. 8th ed. McGraw-Hill Irwin companies page 1.PRESENT VALUE TABLES. 10 Apr. 2013 Files/Appendix A Present Value Tables.pdf. [14] Appendix 12- Parekh, Manish. Personal interview. 22 Feb. 2013. [15] Decision Trees.Decision Tree Analysis. Web. 19 Dec. 2014. [16] Clark, Paul, Peter Golden, and Mark ODea.IB Business and Management. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2009. Print. [17] Winmark Business Solutions.WBS Online. Web. 12 May 2013. [18] Accounts and Finance.Investment Appraisal. Web. 21 May 2013.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
The History of Kraft Foods
1765: A Dorchester, Massachusetts, physician, Dr. James Baker, went into partnership with an Irish chocolate-maker, John Hannon and made Americas first chocolate mill.1780: The mill made the famous BAKERS chocolate.1880: The Empire Cheese Company of New York began producing PHILADELPHIA BRAND Cream Cheese for a New York distributor called Reynolds.1882: Isaac and Joseph Breakstone (Breakstone Bros) opened a small dairy store on New York Citys Lower East Side.1883: The now famous Oscar F. Mayer and his brothers Gottfried and Max started a meat market in Chicago.1889: Food salesman, William M. Wright, created a new baking powder called CALUMETÃ ® which he made at night and sold during the day.1892: Joel Cheek developed a coffee blend for the Maxwell House Hotel in Nashville, Tennessee, called MAXWELL HOUSE coffee.1946: MAXWELL HOUSE instant coffee was introduced to the American public after the armed forces used it in World War II.1895: In Battle Creek, Michigan, C.W. Post made the fi rst POSTUMÃ ®, a cereal beverage. Post created GRAPE-NUTSÃ ® cereal in 1897, and POST TOASTIESÃ ® corn flakes in 1908.1897: Pearl Wait adapted an 1845 patent for a gelatin dessert. May Davis Wait named the new product JELL-O brand gelatin. In 1899, Orator Francis Woodward bought the trademark rights to JELL-OÃ ® for $450. Woodward launched the advertising campaign for Americas most favorite Dessert in 1902, thus ushering the era of psychological marketing.1903: J.L. Kraft started a wholesale cheese business in Chicago.1905: John Arbuckle created YUBAN coffee blend.1906: Oscar Mayer is one of the first meatpackers to obtain the Federal Meat Inspection stamp of approval.1907: Legend claims that when President Theodore Roosevelt was served a cup of MAXWELL HOUSE coffee and he proclaimed that it was GOOD TO THE LAST DROP.1914: J.L. Kraft Bros. Co. opened their first cheese factory in Stockton, Illinois, within a year they begin producing process cheese in tins. The U.S. government provided cheese in tins for the armed forces during World War I.1921: Louis Rich bought a truck and started his business in Rock Island, Illinois.1927: Edwin Perkins created a powdered fruit drink called KOOL-ADE, later called KOOL-AID. Perkins created KOOL-AID from his first product the popular soft drink syrup called Fruit Smack. The same year the Postum Company marketed SANKA decaffeinated coffee (first sold in the U.S. in 1923).1928: Kraft introduced VELVEETA process cheese.1933: Kraft introduced MIRACLE WHIP salad dressing at Chicagos Century of ProgressWorlds Fair.1936: Little Oscar and the WIENERMOBILE started the advertising campaign for Oscar Mayer Co.1937: KRAFT Macaroni and Cheese Dinner were introduced with the advertising slogan of Make a meal for 4 in 9 minutes.1949: MINUTE Rice was nationally distributed.1950: KRAFT Deluxe process cheese slices, the first commercially packaged sliced process cheese was introduced.1952: CHEEZ WHIZ pasteurized process cheese spread was introduced.1954: Kraft introduced CRACKER BARREL brand natural cheese.1957: The General Foods Corporation introduced TANG, breakfast beverage crystals.1963: The now famous wiener jingle first appeared in Oscar Mayer commercials.I965: The company introduced SHAKE N BAKE coating mix in two versions, chicken and fish.1966: COOL WHIP nondairy whipped topping was introduced.1972: STOVE TOP stuffing mix was introduced.1973: GENERAL FOODS INTERNATIONAL COFFEES flavored coffees were introduced.1981: General Foods Corp. bought Oscar Mayer Co.1983: Kraft introduced LIGHT N LIVELY low-fat yogurt, the first US yogurt in a six-pack.1985: Philip Morris Companies Inc. buys general Foods Corporation.1986: Kraft purchased Tombstone Pizza Corporation of Medford, Wisconsin (est.1962).1988: Philip Morris Companies Inc bought Kraft, Inc. Oscar Mayer introduced LUNCHABLES.1989: Philip Morris Companies combined Kraft, Inc. and General Foods Corporation to form Kraft General Foods, the largest food compa ny in the U.S. DI GIORNO brand refrigerated pasta and sauces were introduced.1993: Kraft General Foods acquired NABISCO ready-to-eat cold cereals from RJR Nabisco.1995: Kraft General Foods was renamed Kraft Foods, Inc. DI GIORNO RISING CRUST pizza was introduced.1996: BREAKSTONES snack-size cottage cheese, the first four pack of 4-ounce cups.1997: POST-Cranberry Almond Crunch and POST Honey Nut Shredded Wheat cereal was introduced. Sparkling White Grape flavored JELL-O gelatin was introduced in celebration of the brands 100th anniversary.1998: STOVE TOP OVEN CLASSICS were introduced. The same year KRAFT introduced EASY MAC macaroni and cheese dinner, a microwavable, single-serve product.
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